No meeting for AUGUST. Yes, many of us are leaving town to visit families/friends elsewhere or waiting for families/friends to visit us. Please also remember that time permitting our HUGE task right now is to register voters and make certain, that those who are already registered get out to vote. Not just for the GENERAL but also the PRIMARY elections. Primary elections are the “True” meaning of “TERM LIMITS”….we always had term limits, sadly voters dismiss the absolute and most important part of any election, the PRIMARY election. This is where WE THE PEOPLE decide whether to keep you or, fire you………..for those of you who can help with VOTER’S REGISTRATION please contact CATHY WEBB at….the Republic we save is ours!!

If you wish to be part of a great “Conservative” organization, we’re it. Please return to our main page and at the top click on “Executive Board”…..then select the information for our MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN…..TIM RYAN.

Our next meeting is September 23rd….all invites are on an RSVP basis so, if you are not a member and wish to attend, please contact our VP, CAL GORDON AT; one week before our meeting.

Thank you for your attention. Stay well and, God bless America.

Chuck Collins, President