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Meeting, April 1st, 2023

Meeting, April 1st, 2023

SUBJECT TOPIC: OUR MEDICAL LIBERTIES. KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: Dr. Rebecca Peck, Dr. William Douglas, and Physician Assistant Deborah Curry (VA). RSVP is a must. Contact person: ROBYN COLLINS, EVENT ATTENDANCE DIRECTOR or, call: 386-441-7049. Please note this phone is Landline not Cell.Please do not procrastinate. Look at your Calendar and Respond now!! Invitation closing deadline March 25th. NO WALK INS ALLOWED. Closed private meeting!! Where: MOOSE LODGE601 W. […]


SADLY OUR GREAT MARCH AND APRIL MEETINGS ARE HEREBY CANCELLED……CORONA VIRUS GOVERNMENTAL GUIDELINES. Hopefully we shall resume with our MAY 5th meeting. Stay tuned. Thank you. Be well, Be cautious, and be safe. God Bless. God, Family, Country. Chuck Collins, President RCOBA USA   Hello Patriots, In in for a treat at our March 23rd […]