Ladies and Gentlemen,
Please note; Our monthly meeting is the 28th of May. New location; ORMOND BEACH PUBLIC LIBRARY, 30 S. BEACH STREET, ORMOND BEACH, 32174. Start time 1:30 PM. You may enter through the side door where you normally enter during the election cycle.
The main speaker is our STATE REPRESENTATIVE FRED COSTELLO, who also happens to be a member in good standing of RCOBA. After Mr. Costello finishes with his presentation we shall commence with the Question/Answer period. I would appeal that you bring a pad and paper with you so you can write down your questions. We will recognize anyone who wishes to ask questions in an orderly fashion meaning: You hold your hand up and be recognized. No hollering. I would also request that you don’t continue to expound on your concern until everyone else had an opportunity for their turn. Lastly, please, out of respect to our speaker and those around you, no whispering or talking while the Speaker is making his presentation and/or answering questions.
Thank you for your usual fine cooperation and support.
God bless America
Chuck Collins, President