Ladies and Gents,
Our speakers, all running for new seats or, reelection are:
1. State Senator Travis Hutson, re-election.
2. Ormond Beach Mayor Ed Kelley, running for Volusia County “Chair”.
3. Heather Post, running for Volusia County member, District #4.
4. Bob Littleton, running for Ormond Beach City Council.
5. Alan Burton, running for Volusia Property Appraiser.

Location: Ormond Beach Public Library, 30 S. Beach Drive, OB, 32174
Start Time: 1:30 pm sharp. Please make every effort to arrive early and,
for those who can help, we need brawn to set-up our meeting room. In
advance, thank you for your help and fine cooperation.

God, Family, Country
Chuck Collins, President