Hello Patriots;
For the many of us concerned with VOTER INTEGRITY, this meeting should spell out exactly what is happening behind our backs.
Our next meeting is September 3rd, Saturday.
RSVP is a must, contact person: ROBYN COLLINS, EVENT ATTENDANCE DIRECTOR: robynrcoba@gmail.com or, call: 386-441-7049. Please note this phone is Landline not Cell.
NO WALK INS ALLOWED. Closed private meeting!!
601 W. Granada Blvd
Ormond Beach, FL 32174
Time: Social starts at 11:00 am
Invocation and Allegiance to the Flag starts at 11:30 am
Lunch served at 11:45 pm
Official meeting starts at: 12:30 pm.
Lunch Cost: $17 Per Person; Either “exact cash” or check made out to MOOSE LODGE for exact amount.
We have monumental work ahead of us. Please do not procrastinate. Respond now!! Invitation closing deadline August 27th.
We’re graciously asking a reply now! Look at your calendar and contact ROBYN, either email or call. This is an election year. We are extremely busy. Please do not procrastinate.
Please keep up with your obligations, Commitment made, Commitment paid. If you commit on attending and not show up we still have to pay for the number we submit to the MOOSE. (We don’t make a dime from this) Please, calling after our DEADLINE date just places you on our waiting list. As mentioned earlier, with price of everything skyrocketing the MOOSE wants a definite count and once given they shall stick by it. No options!

God bless,
God, Family, Country
Chuck Collins, President
WEBSITE: www.repcoba.com