Our first part of the meeting shall consist of CS BENNETT (Author, former Navy Veteran and Radio Host) in a teleconference with BOBBY LAWRENCE (Former Senate Candidate in PA) discussing the ongoing process of the POPULAR VOTE. All members will be included in this process, meaning, we will allow for a Q/A period. Best to bring a notepad with you to jot down questions. The second half of our meeting will be just as interesting.
Our VP, CAL GORDON will present his case regarding one very known author of accomplished Political successes and disruption. Surely all members know SAUL ALINSKY, well, you’re in for a new twist.
Please again note: All attendees must RSVP to the transmitted invite. Conservative guests are welcome providing they RSVP with their full name, e-mail address and telephone number.
Thank you for your attention and God bless.
Chuck Collins, President