601 W. Granada Blvd
Ormond Beach, FL 32174
Time: Social starts at 11:00 am
Invocation and Allegiance to the Flag starts at 11:30 am
Lunch served at 11:45 pm
Official meeting starts at: 12:30 pm.
Lunch Cost: $15 Per Person; Either “exact cash” or check made out to MOOSE LODGE for exact amount.
Commitment made; Commitment paid!
Invitation by RSVP only!
NO WALK INS ALLOWED. Closed private meeting!!
RSVP is a must, contact person: ROBYN COLLINS, EVENT ATTENDANCE DIRECTOR: robynrcoba@gmail.com or, call: 386-441-7049. Please note this phone is Landline not Cell.
We have monumental work ahead of us. Please do not procrastinate. Respond now!! Invitation closing deadline MAY 28th. Calls received after this date shall be placed on the WAITING LIST in case of a cancellation.
Encourage your family/friends to attend and get engaged in saving our CONSTITUTIONAL Government!! All we need is their first/last name and a phone number. Must be a registered REPUBLICAN or, willing to reregister at our VOTER REGISTRATION table to REPUBLICAN. Bring in your present VOTER REGISTRATION CARD. If you can’t find yours, please contact THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS, at 386-736-5930 to recover a new one.
This is a very highly contested and very important election. We want for all Members to have questions prepared. PLEASE NOTE: Personal attacks or vulgar language will not be tolerated or acceptable.
For members who cannot attend, please forward your questions. We shall attempt to get to as many as time allows….. from now until election we shall only have Candidates running for office as Speakers … please, no exception!
At this juncture, our Primary election is the most important election of our lifetime!!
Thank you for your attention to this very important matter.
God bless,
God, Family, Country
Chuck Collins, President