RSVP is a must. Contact person: ROBYN COLLINS, EVENT ATTENDANCE DIRECTOR: or, call: 386-441-7049. Please note this phone is Landline not Cell.
Please do not procrastinate. Look at your Calendar and Respond now!! Invitation closing deadline January 28th
NO WALK INS ALLOWED. Closed private meeting!!
601 W. Granada Blvd
Ormond Beach, FL 32174
Time: Social starts at 11:00 am
Meeting starts with Invocation and Allegiance to the Flag at 11:30 am
Lunch served at 11:45 pm
Lunch Cost: $17 Per Person; Either “exact cash” or check made out to MOOSE LODGE for the appropriate amount.
Please keep up with your obligations, Commitment made, Commitment paid. Please arrive early to pay and secure your seat.
If you commit on attending and do not show up we still have to pay for the number we submit to the MOOSE.
Calling after our DEADLINE date just places you on our waiting list. As mentioned earlier, with the price of everything skyrocketing, the MOOSE wants a definite count and once given they shall stick by it. No options!
Regrettably, our last meeting we had to turn people down again because they called after the deadline! Encourage your family/friends to attend and get engaged in saving our CONSTITUTIONAL Government!! All we need is their first/last name and a phone number.
We would like for all MEMBERS to respond YES or NO regarding attendance. We require no excuses for a NO. But, please answer so we know you are receiving our message.
God bless,
God, Family, Country
Chuck Collins
Regional FRA Vice President.
President, RCOBA.
Born and raised in Caracas, Venezuela, came to the United States in 1984 to attend Film
School in Los Angeles. After obtaining a Bachelor’s Degree in Film Production, he worked 35 years in the Hollywood film industry as a conservative Video Effects Creator & Owner of effects house ‘3D Mike’, which provided animation services to films such as “Ocean’s Eleven”, “Night at the
Museum”, and “Logan/Wolverine”, as well as TV episodics such as “CSI”, “CSI:Miami”, “NCIS” & “NCIS:New Orleans”. In 2006 he proudly became a US Citizen, after following the standard 10-year process most lawful immigrants follow. He currently serves as the Florida Field Coordinator for the John Birch Society, Mike travels throughout the State of Florida teaching the values of our Judeo- Christian Constitutional Republic, contrasting it to the collective mindset of Marxism/Leninism, Mike is also dedicated to educating Hispanics arriving in the U.S., to saving Americanism and our Republic from the tyranny of the New World Order, as well as activating patriots to accomplish this mission.
Election Integrity, Congressional ScoreCard (Freedom Index), Agenda 21/2030 New World Order, Stop the Convention of States, CRT in Schools/Saving our Children, Venezuela Communism, and many other America First subjects.