Our year end meeting: Please note this is a very important meeting. We shall be electing our Club Officers namely; PRESIDENT, VICE PRESIDENT, TREASURER, SECRETARY. Please make the effort to attend. We also have a great year closing agenda presenting our Volusia Teen Age Republicans and, our Keynote speaker, ARMANDO ESCALANTE who will explain in detail what we dealt with in the past and our struggles to correct the damaging, disastrous actions of so many establishment, elitists Politicians, (Both Parties) in Congress. Let us please keep in mind that Congress is comprised of two huge entities; THE HOUSE and THE SENATE. Let us not lose heart, it is incumbent of us as Parents, Grandparents, truly concerned American Citizens to never let our foot off the pedal again.
Thank you for your attention, support, and devotion to our Republic.
BTW: Young Republicans Historian JARROD WILLIAMS will present a short essay of the Battle of Malta 1942.